Select Works
Click on a name to see works available by that artist. In many instances, we have additional photographs to those shown here. Please email us with your interests or requests for specific photographs.
Adams, Ansel
Abbott, Berenice
Abbott, C. Yarnall
Anderson, James
Bell, William
Bentley, Wilson
Bourke-White, Margaret
Bullock, Wynn
Brigman, Anne
Bruguière, Francis
Chappell, Walter
Coburn, Alvin Langdon
Colos, François Szalay
Cunningham, Imogen
Dassonville, William E.
Delano, Jack
de Meyer, Baron Adolph
Engel, Morris
Eugene, Frank
Evans, Frederick
Evans, Walker
Garnett, William
Genthe, Arnold
Hagemeyer, Johan
Hine, Lewis W.
Johnston, Francis B.
Käsebier, Gertrude
Kessler, Chester
Lange, Dorothea
Laughlin, Clarence John
Lee, Russell
Levitt, Helen
Lohse, Remie
Leipzig, Arthur
Mandel, Rose
Marshall, Jim
Mather, Margrethe
Misrach, Richard
Morris, Wright
Muybridge, Eadweard
Mydans, Carl
Noskowiak, Sonya
O’Sullivan, Timothy
Owens, Bill
Pildas, Ave
Post-Wolcott, Marion
Rosskam, Edwin
Rothstein, Arthur
Seeley, George
Sekaer, Peter
Shahn, Ben
Smith, W. Eugene
Sperr, Percy Loomis
Stackpole, Peter
Steichen, Edward J.
Steiner, Ralph
Stieglitz, Alfred
Strand, Paul
Struss, Karl
Swank, Luke
Taber, Isaiah W
Vachon, John
Van Dyke, Willard
Vroman, Adam Clark
Watkins, Carleton E.
Webb, Todd
Weston, Brett
Weston, Edward
White, Clarence
White, Minor
Zwart, Piet